Deploy a Astro Static Site on AWS

You can deploy a Astro site on AWS in under a minute. Your site is served over a lightning-fast global CDN, comes with fully managed TLS certificates, and supports custom domains out of the box.

  1. Use your existing Astro repository.

  2. Create a new Application on Thunder, and give Thunder permission to access your new repo.

  3. Use the following values during creation:

Install Commandnpm install
Build Commandnpm run astro check && npm run astro build
Output Directorydist

That’s it! Your app will be live on your CloudFront URL as soon as the build finishes.

Use Client-side Routing

You will need to direct all routing requests to index.htmls so they can be handled by Astro.

You can do this easily by defining a Redirect Rule for your site. Go to the Redirects section for your app settings and add a rule with the following values:

Source Path/*
Destination Path/index.html