
On a high-level, the steps you’ll need to follow in order to deploy a project for the first time are:

  • Create an account at
  • Connect your AWS account to Thunder
  • Connect your GitHub account (personal or organization)
  • Create a app in Thunder console

It might be useful to understand the different terms and the architecture we use:

ProviderAn AWS account and region where you want to deploy your applications.Thunder creates an IAM Role in your AWS.
ApplicationIt’s the top level element of our architecture. It contains the configuration for the different Environments.Acts as the entry point for defining and configuring stacks and other high-level settings.
EnvironmentsRepresents different deployment stages such as development, testing, and production.Enables the management of multiple AWS Accounts.
StacksRepresents a set of AWS resources that can be created, updated, or deleted together.Represent a set of AWS resources that can be created, updated, or deleted together.
DeploymentThe process of preparing and deploying your code to AWS.Involves building the code and updating the relevant AWS resource.