Deploy Astro on AWS
Deploy your static Astro SPA to AWS with S3 and CloudFront for fast, reliable performance. This guide walks you through configuration and setup to get your site live.
The server pre-rendered pages produced by the build step will be stored in an S3 bucket and served using CloudFront CDN.
Update your astro.config.mjs to generate static files:
Build Settings
Use the following commands in the build step settings:
Parameter | Value |
Install Command | npm install |
Build Command | npm run astro check && npm run astro build |
Output Directory | dist |
Parameter | Value |
Install Command | pnpm install |
Build Command | pnpm run astro check && pnpm run astro build |
Output Directory | dist |
Parameter | Value |
Install Command | bun install |
Build Command | bun run astro check && bun run astro build |
Output Directory | dist |
That’s it! Your app will be live on your CloudFront URL as soon as the stack is installed.
Environment Variables
Define and use environment variables during the build step in a type-safe manner as a string, number, enum, or boolean using the envField helper.
Context: Since you’re building an SPA, set the context to client
, as these variables will be used in the browser.
Access: Use public
access for these variables. Never store secret keys or sensitive information in public variables, as they will be exposed in the browser and accessible to anyone.
Additional Properties: You can specify properties like optional or default in the object, but always ensure sensitive information is not included.
To access these in your Astro components: