Importing a Repository from Github
When you have successfully installed the Github App, you will be redirected back to Thunder. You will now see a list of repositories. Select the repository and branch.
Thunder will detect the presence of a package.json
file in your branch.
Configure your build
Thunder will automatically detect the framework and any necessary build settings.
However, you can configure the build settings. You can also add Environment Variables.
Select AWS Account and Region
Select your account and the region where you want to deploy your application.
Generate User Access Token
Thunder will configure your AWS CodePipeline and Github repository for autodeploys. Authenticate the Github App to generate a long-term server-to-server token from Github.
Thunder will create a AWS Secrets Manager secret
and store your user token safely. The ARN of the secret resource will be used to configure your build pipeline.
Install your application
Press the Install Application
button to deploy the CDK stack to your AWS account.